McDonald's: The Constantly Expanding, Global Business.

It's no secret that McDonald’s have been expanding their company on a global scale for the last
couple decades. Although it started in California by Ray Kroc, today, McDonald’s is a part of
every country’s economy. This is called Globalization. According to the Merriam-Webster
Dictionary, globalization is the development of the global economy by integrating businesses
by the use of free trade, cheaper labour costs, etc. (paraphrased). According to an article by
Manya Koetse, one of the newest members of the McDonald’s food chain is the Japanese community,
and McDonald’s have entered in a dramatic fashion by bringing new menu items. This will be beneficial
for the various stakeholders, especially the consumers eating at McDonald’s.

A McDonald's based in Japan

The plan is to release new menu items along with the expansion in order to attract the untapped
target market. The three newest items include: the Teriyaki Burger, the Rice Burger and, amongst
other products, Green Tea ice-cream. These items are centered around Japan’s unique and amazing
culture, and is focused on improving McDonald’s brand as an international corporation. The company
actually came to the country in 1971 (Koetse, 2018), but hasn’t had much success until these new
items have been introduced.

The New Rice Burger

This move is extremely important, not only because it improves the company brand, but it also is
extremely beneficial, but also risky. An expansion on the global scale requires many assets to be
distributed and sold, so if the project does not go to plans, the stakeholders and the company are at a
standstill, and risk taking a big blow. Fortunately for McDonald’s, this project was successful, earning
the company plenty of money. This means that the stakeholders benefited greatly from this expansion.
McDonald’s stakeholders include: their employees, the managers, the suppliers, the shareholders,
and the consumers. The employees are benefiting from the expansion because it allows for new jobs
and opportunities for thousands of Japanese members. This will help raise the overall economy of
Japan due to the size of McDonald’s. The shareholder’s are putting the greatest amount of risk by
investing into a company that is planning to invest a lot of money into an area that isn’t known for its
fast-food opportunities. The suppliers are going to be benefiting as well as they will have a brand
new customer, that will give them plenty of money.

The new Teriyaki Burger

This is huge for the consumers that will be attending the new restaurants. Because of the expansion
of the restaurants and menus, the customers will have even more to eat, especially with these
cheaper options. Fast food is a relatively unknown concept to the Japanese community, so it has
a lot of potential. With these new options unveiled to the population, the opportunities that arise are
exponential, especially with the likes of the teriyaki burger, the rice burger, and an infinite amount
of options to come.

Koetse, M. (2017, January 02). From Big Mac to Rice Burger -- Globalization: McDonald's in Japan. Retrieved April 16, 2018, from


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