The McDonald's Marketing Strategy

It’s no secret why McDonald’s have been able to attract so many customers and get the numbers that
they do. It’s because of their unique and adaptive marketing style that allow them so reach out to their
target market and sell them efficiently. According to an article written by the Panmore Institute
(, McDonald’s use a special marketing
mix, that varies based on the location around the world. Due to their innovative strategies, their
consumers (the stakeholders) are thus content, allowing for a bigger and brighter future for the
company. The only issue for McDonald’s at the moment is: How do they continue building on their
success while motivating others to do the same?

The article by the Panmore Institute shares the strategies used by McDonald’s, as well as what sets
them apart from the competition, and what the competition can learn from the corporation, such as
constantly expanding the product and marketing mix. Currently, the main product mix is made up off:
  1. Hamburgers and sandwiches
  2. Chicken and fish
  3. Salads
  4. Snacks and sides
  5. Beverages
  6. Desserts and shakes
  7. Breakfast/All-day breakfast
  8. McCafé

Image result for mcdonalds  products
The large array of products (source: Wordpress)

Their current strategy is to constantly expand and upgrade this menu in order to generate more customers, as well as increase the company’s brand. The strategy also includes having a target market of all ages. For kids, the Happpy Meal provides tasty foods for kids, as well as nutritional snacks such as apples or yogurts. The meal also comes with a toy, a reason why it is so popularMcDonald’s often puts most of the marketing budget into  telemarketing for Happy Meals with the slogan I’m Lovin It.

Image result
The McDonald's Happy Meal
Another strategy incorporated by McDonald’s is their branding. Many fast food companies, such as McDonald’s use bold red and yellow colours in their logo. According to, colours stimulate certain emotions in the brain. Bright red stimulates hunger, appetite and gathers a lot of attention. Yellow triggers feelings of happiness and friendliness. Together, the two colours make a brand that is very consumer friendly.  McDonald’s keeps their millions of customers happy everyday. Sometimes, this happiness is quite difficult to find in large corporations. This is what McDonald’s markets to its potential customers: long-term happiness. In my opinion, if McDonald’s keeps innovating, strategizing and marketing like this, success is definitely predictable in the future.

Meyer, Pauline. “McDonald's Marketing Mix (4Ps) Analysis.” Panmore Institute, 5 Feb. 2017,

Branding - why red & yellow is used by the fast food industry. 21 Aug. 2013,



“Shannon Smith blog.” Shannon Smith blog,


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