McDonald's: The Constantly Expanding, Global Business.

It's no secret that McDonald’s have been expanding their company on a global scale for the last couple decades. Although it started in California by Ray Kroc, today, McDonald’s is a part of every country’s economy. This is called Globalization . According to the Merriam-Webste r Dictionary, globalization is the development of the global economy by integrating businesses by the use of free trade, cheaper labour costs, etc. (paraphrased). According to an article by Manya Koetse, one of the newest members of the McDonald’s food chain is the Japanese community, and McDonald’s have entered in a dramatic fashion by bringing new menu items. This will be beneficial for the various stakeholders, especially the consumers eating at McDonald’s. A McDonald's based in Japan The plan is to release new menu items along with the expansion in order to attract the untapped target market. The three newest items include: the Teriyaki Burger, the Rice Burger and, amongst ot...