McDonald's Newest, Most Shocking Change

In a recent article by, one of the world’s biggest corporations, McDonald’s, are planning to
make a huge impact on not only the business world, but the environmental world by making all
packaging 100% renewable by 2025. This is an extremely large step, especially for a company
as big a McDonald’s (Economy, 2018). This will include: cups, wrappers, plates, napkins, etc.
This will have a huge impact on many people, including the shareholders. Furthermore, this will
also affect the competition as they will need to keep up with these modern changes. The real
question is why? Why would such a large business make such a large investment, and the answer
will be discovered shortly

McDonald's Various Packaging Options

McDonald’s stakeholders are their employees, the managers, the suppliers, the shareholders, and the
consumers. The more environmentally friendly a business is, the cleaner the environment is, which
directly correlates to the employees’ work rate, whether it may be the employees or the managers.
By upgrading to these new materials, the company will potentially be asking from new suppliers to
meet their new, constantly expanding needs. Due to the size of McDonald’s, this move may put a
supplying business out of commission, but will grow another business due to the increasing prices
of renewable resources. This move is predicted to be good for the company in the stock market as
the move will improve the company’s brand, hence getting more awareness and stocks. Finally, this
move will have the most potential on the consumers, who will be using these new materials. According
to the article, more than 1 billion pounds of beefs in the U.S. alone are distributed, which means lots
of wrappers, and lots of potential recycling.

McDonald's environmental initiatives 

The mission will also affect the competitors of McDonald’s. This includes companies such as: Burger King, Wendy’s, Subway, etc. Because of this sudden change, companies will need to make similar adjustments so that they do not receive any backlash, or damage their brand. It is for this reason that this is such a big investment. Due to the size of McDonald’s, all similar companies will now need to remake their business model in order to accompany this money-requiring change.

The new packaging options

This brings us to the final question, why? 500 million cups of coffee, 9 million pounds of french fries
per day (Economy, 2018) requires many resources for packaging, which in turn needs to be recycled
due to its ever constant demand. This move will be better for the environment, for the brand of the
company, for the consumers that eat at McDonald’s everyday, and for the future of restaurants around
the world.

Economy, P. (2018, January 17). McDonald's Just Made a Stunning Announcement That Will
Completely Change the Future of Fast Food.
Retrieved April 15, 2018, from

Our mission for greener packaging. (n.d.). Retrieved April 15, 2018, from

Posts about Mcdonalds eco-friendly initiatives on Every Little Bit. (n.d.). Retrieved April 15, 2018, from

Smart Sustainable Product Packaging: 14 Standout Designs. (2016, November 07). Retrieved April 15, 2018, from


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